Hey, I'm Marta and I really enjoy cooking and sharing the food with others. I am not a professional cook, far from it; I am just a happy user of fine cookbooks, I love to browse foodie’s blogs and I have a very inspiring friend Natalia, who is a culinary know-how goddess for me. Nonetheless, most things I do is just following or adapting the recipes I've bumped into.

In cooking, my main focus is on natural foods and good quality ingredients. If I am able to find and afford, of course, I choose a fair trade, cruelty-free, locally produced, CO2 neutral, etc. ingredients. Naturally, I am an organic food enthusiast, however not an eco-devotee. I think good food is accessible; those who care about our planet usually know how to find it.

"Tallerken"* is my project, which I've started mainly to improve my written English and to practice my Danish, which I struggle a lot with. 

I am Polish, living in Copenhagen, with my danish boyfriend Rasmus and our little son Anakin. I am a landscape architect and a full time mom. Recently I got a part time job in a Rudolf Steiner kindergarden - I cook vegetarian meals for kids.

I like: travelling with no plans, walking barefoot, abandoned houses, biking in the city, astanga yoga, spring, Ireland, very dark chocolate, chili, champagne,  hammocks, hammers, fire, live music, rasberries, buying flowers, ursa major, off-cinema, old american cars, TED talks, mirrors, serendipidy, candle light, warm wind, smell of gasoline, stormy weather,  master cleanse, hygge and, of course, I love to take pictures.

I believe in good luck.

* it means "a plate" in danish


  1. Walking Barefoot outside is Cool and sexy. Dirty Calloused Barefeet are Primal and a look great.

  2. jesteś w bardzo dobrej formie i masz bardzo piękne nogi, ale latem wychodzisz z dzieckiem na spacer i zostawiasz buty w domu?

  3. W Danii wiele młodych dziewcząt i kobiet latem w ogóle nie zakłada butów i wszędzie chodzi boso, podobnie jak ich dzieci. Czy Wy też spędzacie całe lato boso i nie zakładacie butów?
